Friday, April 13, 2012

Don't Miss It

When planting a new church, there are so many things you try to absorb in such a limited amount of time.  There are timelines to be made, teams to be built and dreams to be realized.  I must confess that there are times when I find myself so absorbed with the tasks at hand, that I neglect to just "be" in His presence. 

At the beginning of planting our church, it was so easy to spend time with the Lord.  I felt so close to the Lord.  I felt like a fish jumping in a great big ocean with no idea of where the currents were going to take me.  And yet, there was peace in knowing that I had a direct line to the navigator of this journey I am on.

But the closer we come to launching Northpoint, the stronger the currents become.  We are no longer wading in the soft currents of this journey.  We are now swimming quickly through the currents that are taking us full force towards birthing this baby church.  These currents leave little room for error and even less room for complacency.  So in the midst of swimming through these currents, it's no surprise that I find myself struggling to "sit" in His presence. 

I'm not sure about you, but I certainly am not immune from the challenge of spending time with God.   Wouldn't it be great if church planters could automatically have spiritual disciplines written into their DNA?  We have had so many conversations with friends in ministry about the reality that we have the opportunity to build our church's DNA.  We aren't inheriting a church's "way of doing things."  We get to start fresh and passionately lead people toward the vision God has placed in our hearts. 

God has reminded me of another reality this morning as well.  Right now I have the opportunity to build the DNA of my spiritual disciplines as the leader of this church.  There is no one preceding me to be compared to.  I won't hear the words, "Our last pastor did things this way..."  So the question becomes, "What is going to be status quo for our leadership team?"  Because whether we like it or not, the ministry team we build from this moment on will be looking to us for spiritual guidance.  They will be watching our spiritual disciplines and many will follow the model we have developed.

In 1 Kings 9, God reminds Solomon of the importance of remaining in His presence - "If you live in my presence as your father David lived, pure in heart and action, living the life I've set out for you, attentively obedient to my guidance and judgements, then I'll back your kingly rule over Israel, make it a sure thing on a solid foundation."  He continues on to say - "But if you or your sons betray me, ignoring my guidance and judgments, taking up with alien gods by serving and worshiping them, then the guarantee is off."  (The Message, 1 Kings 9:4-7)

If there is one thing that has been evident to us from the very moment we began the journey of planting Northpoint, it has been the overwhelming proof that God's hand is on our church.   All glory to God for the miracles we have seen and the doors He is opening.  I praise Him for His provision.

I read in 1 Kings 9 that God's provision came through His presence.  It came through Solomon's constant communion with God.  God warns that the moment Solomon walks away from the presence of God, ignoring His guidance and judgement, is the moment God walks away. 

Pastors, we cannot for once second take for granted the power of God's presence and provision.  We cannot drift along in the currents of our journey with the hope that God will continue to show up and move us along in the right direction.  God's provisions and guidance are found in His presence.  We also cannot take for granted the truth that God will not be second in command. 

I don't want to miss it!  I don't want to go one moment without His hand on my life and the life of His church that I am blessed to lead.  Every day I must (and you must) carve out time to spend in His presence.  It must be intentional and it must be focused. 

Don't miss it!