Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's Your Move

One of the greatest challenges for any church planter is moving forward into uncharted territory.   We recently took inventory of all that God has shown us and accomplished since we moved to Beaumont to plant a church.  His hand has been so evident and He has opened so many doors for us.  There has been time spent on our knees as we poured out our hearts to God, asking for His favor and anointing.  We have burned the midnight oil many times as we strategize and internalize the vision we feel God has placed upon our hearts.  We have prayed the prayer of Solomon when he pleaded, "Give me a God-listening heart so I can lead your people well, discerning the difference between good and evil."(1 Kings 3:9) 

We also took inventory of how the enemy has tried to thwart our efforts.  He has tried to discourage us. He has tried to lead us towards complacency and has tried to focus our attention on the challenges of the journey ahead of us.  

As we worked through our inventory list a fresh excitement began to build within our souls as we once again grasped the reality that God is in what we are doing.  He is moving in mighty ways.  He is opening doors that seemed impossible to pass through.  Oh, what a mighty God we serve!  Our inventory also served as a reminder that God is expecting us to do our part.

The question that is in front of us from the moment we wake until the moment we lay our heads to sleep is, "What are we going to do with this new church plant today?"  We recognize more and more everyday that the most effective card Satan can play against us right now is the complacency card.  (We will be bold enough to say that it's very likely the most effective card he can play against you as a church planter, as well.)   

The tasks that lie ahead of us as church planters can often seem daunting.  The weight of responsibility is heavy.  God has given us the incredible and exciting task of building His church and furthering  His kingdom in our communities.  There are relationships to build, launch teams to motivate, buildings to renovate, communities to be reached and spiritual disciplines that must not take a back seat in our list of priorities. 

You may be fighting the temptation to pull the blanket over your head and declare  - "I'll tackle this another day."  

Here's the reality - it's your move.  If you are a church planter, you have walked behind enemy lines.  You are on the front lines fighting for something that isn't even in existence yet.  Your dreams for your church have yet to be fully realized.  You are walking in the land of the unknown.  So what are you going to do about it?  

What are you going to do once you've poured your heart out to God?  What's next once you've strategized and laid out your vision for your church?  Our prayer is that you are going to MOVE!  Get out into your community.  Reach out to the schools in your city.  Build your launch team and stay in touch with them throughout the week.  Be their greatest encourager.  Be available to them.  Stay current with social media (this takes almost daily time and effort.)  Plan ahead - build your calendar (or in church planting terms... your timeline) and work it!  Know what's coming and over-prepare.  Anticipate the hurdles as you work towards your block parties and your community events leading up to launch.  Have Plan B in place.  Above everything else - just MOVE.  Don't fall into complacency.  Begin your day with a plan  - even if your plan is to work at the local coffee shop for the day.  By the way, three of our launch team members are a direct result of time spent in the coffee shop praying for God-appointed conversations.

Everything you are doing right now matters.  Launching your church is exciting and an obvious accomplishment that we all want to experience.  But remember that God is moving right now during the process of building your church and leading your team towards launch.  2012 holds seemingly endless possibilities for our churches.  Don't let this year get away from you.  Seize every opportunity God gives you and look for the opportunities that He might be placing right before you if you'll only open your eyes to see them.  

He has called you to a mighty work - now it's your move.  What are you going to do about it?

Be encouraged today!

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