Thursday, September 29, 2011

Great Resources

When you're planting a church it seems like your ears and eyes are always open as you look for solid information and tools that are going to help you in this journey.  If you're looking for a "model" to follow, you will come up short.  Every church is different, every city has different needs and sub-cultures.  But there are great resources that can offer encouragement and direction as you and God work through what your church model is going to look like.

Here are some of the resources on our short list that we have found encouraging and helpful:
(give us your comments and let us know what resources you have found that are helping you!)

Church in the Making (Ben Arment): Could hardly put this book down.  Ben does a great job of laying out the church planting process and "reality checks" you must take while on this journey.

Simple Church (Rainer and Geiger): Most church planters have the rare opportunity of creating the church culture for their new church.  Through this book you are able to see that less is more.   This book encourages you to work diligently toward defining how you are going to take people through the discipleship process and more importantly, how you are going to communicate this process to your church.

Living Your Strengths (Winseman, Clifton and Liesveld): This is a must read!  At the end of the book there is a code that you can use to take the strengths finder test online.  As we build our team we will make it a priority that every one of them takes this test.  A place to begin for start-up resources, demographic studies, training events and networking. NewStart Assessment Center is very helpful! Designed our website and promotional material.  They have a special place in their hearts for church planters and seeing them succeed. Church Planting essentials are offered through and are definitely worth your time. Tons of information.  We especially love the "5 Hard Truths for Church Planters" by Dustin Neeley. Awesome graphics and many are free.  If you are looking for graphics to add to a blog, website, e-news or mailer this is a great place to start.  FREE is always music to a church planter's ear.

Be encouraged today!

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