Thursday, September 29, 2011

You Are Not Alone

"You are not alone!"  The reality of this statement is one that, as a church planter, I find myself clinging to. There are many days that the weight of the task at hand is heavy on my shoulders. There are many days, though, that the momentum builds within my soul as I look ahead and dream of what's to come.  I have to constantly remind myself that I am not alone.  I have to remember to continually reach out to those who can offer help along this journey.

God hasn't called you to the wilderness only to leave you stranded, but He is inviting you on a faith journey like none other.  He has asked you to step into the unknown and walk blindly towards an end that isn't yet in sight.  Don't forsake your time with Him- make it a priority.  I realize each day in a fresh and new way that my ears must be so closely in tune to Him that when He whispers it is heard.  I can't take for granted my time spent with Him; it is critical, it is vital.  Without this time with Him I end my day filled with discouragement.  Paul put it this way in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 when he says, "…pray continually."  Never stop praying!  There is too much at stake to walk through your days without His Almighty presence.  The enemy trembles when you are on your knees, the deceiver's lies are silenced when you are in constant communion with your God and he is powerless against the bold prayers you offer up with a trembling heart.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  So never walk through your days as if you are!  Lift your eyes towards your God and walk forward in His Almighty presence.

Whether you are planting a church from a sponsor church or starting a church from scratch, there are people around you in whom God is stirring up within the desire to be a part of this new adventure with you.  It's our job as church planters to help cast the vision behind what God is calling us towards.  These individuals will be an incredible support and encouragement for you.  You need to know in those moments when you feel defeat that there are people behind you that believe in what you are doing and are cheering you on.  

We have the privilege of being a part of a district (South Texas District Church of the Nazarene) that is passionate about seeing new church plants thrive.  From the very beginning of our journey we were afforded the opportunity of visiting churches within our district to raise awareness and support.  We have been so blessed by these churches that have given sacrificially and offered their time and prayers.

We did not want to be alone in our prayers! In just a few short months we have a prayer force of over 150 and that number grows with every church we visit.  God's heart is stirred when His people pray. We know that we can't lose sight of the reality that prayer MUST be at the very core of the foundation of our church.  We feel that this is the very first line of defense for us.  We need all of the prayers we can get and this dedicated group of individuals is praying weekly for our work.  Every Monday we send them an updated prayer needs list for the week.  We are very specific about the prayers we ask them to pray.  If we are meeting with a family, we ask them to pray specifically for that conversation.  If we are working to build relationships in the community, we ask them to pray specifically for the places we will be going that week.  We still have a lot to learn on this journey of church planting, but one thing that we have learned is that without a prayer force you are behind in the game.

Look around you.  Seek out the leaders within your sponsor church or denomination that can help support your efforts.  Keep them well informed and bring them alongside you in this journey.  We are in this together! We need to pray for unity.  Healthy churches that are following after Christ desire to see the bigger picture.  Seek out these churches, share your heart with the pastor and ask for the opportunity to raise support through their congregation.  You don't have to do this alone - you shouldn't do this alone.

Be encouraged today!

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