Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Are We Into Mega-Churches or Mega-People?

A great church leader once said to me, "I don't want to pastor a mega-church, I want to pastor mega-people."  What an incredible statement!    

As we work to build our launch team, our prayer is that God will raise up mighty warriors that will stand beside us as we march into enemy territory.  

I wonder how the warriors from 2 Samuel 23 must have felt when David mentioned he would like some water.  I can just see them standing in a group in front of David, nudging each other in the arm, then all collectively deciding to march through enemy territory to grab their fearless leader a drink.  It would not have been beyond reason to hear them utter these words... "Uh, excuse me sir, would you mind putting down that sword for a minute, our leader is thirsty and we need to get him a drink," "I know this is not our territory, but we really need through, so if you wouldn't mind, could you step aside for just a moment." 

Instead we read that these mighty men unapologetically and boldly "broke through" (one version says they "penetrated") the Philistine line and drew water for their leader.

As church planters we are looking for warriors.  We are working to connect with people on a level that will gain their trust and faith in us.  We recognize that we are marching towards the enemy line and there will soon come a time when we are asking our team to begin to break through and penetrate the lines that have been drawn by the enemy.  We need people who will unapologetically walk into enemy territory and draw out those Satan has tried to lay claim on.

We are praying for mega-people who are not afraid to walk this journey of planting a baby church with us.  We are praying for warriors.   

Be encouraged today! 

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