Monday, November 28, 2011

Press Forward

I can imagine the looks Elijah must have received when he declared to Ahab, "Go, and enjoy a good meal!  For I hear a mighty rainstorm coming!"  A rainstorm?  Are you kidding me Elijah?  Do you not remember that we have been experiencing a "little thing" called a DROUGHT?!  There were no clouds in the sky, no droplets of water to suggest that even a slight mist was on the way.  I wonder what was going through Elijah's servant's mind when he was instructed to go and look out toward the sea for rain.  Did he grumble the entire way about how ridiculous this little exercise was?  Maybe not the first time he went to look toward the sea for rain.  But what about the second, third, fourth - seventh time he went to look for rain?

Picture this scene with me - (Story taken from 1 Kings 18:40-46, embellished by me)

Servant: "Elijah, I've looked three times now and there are no clouds in the sky that would even give a hint that rain is on the way."
Elijah:  "Go back, look again.  God is true to His word and rain is on the way."
Servant: "Elijah, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for, but whatever 'IT' is, I'm not finding it.  I've been six times now and still nothing.  When are you going to say enough is enough?"
Elijah: "Go again, don't give up.  Rain is coming."
Servant: "Elijah, Elijah - there is a tiny little cloud peeking over the horizon, could this be it?"
Elijah: "Praise God!  What looks like something small for the moment is going to turn into a mighty storm.  Hurry, go tell Ahab he better get out of the way, rain is coming!"

This passage of scripture preaches a mighty truth for us!  We are on an adventure of planting a brand new work and are walking in the midst of a drought.  The drought is no surprise, but the reason we are planting a church in the first place!  We are walking into a community that is thirsty and desperate to experience the One, true God.  It's our great responsibility to keep the faith that one day it will rain again.  

Elijah, after proclaiming to Ahab that it would rain again, climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and fell to his knees in prayer.  Only then did he ask his servant to go and look towards the sea for rain.  
I can see Elijah on his knees, head barely raised as he instructed his servant to go once more and look towards the horizon for evidence of God's promise.  It's almost as if he had one ear pushed towards God and one ear tuned in to his servant.  Elijah pressed the matter again and again until he saw the cloud and rain come.  He kept going back until God delivered His promise.  

God has given us a promise.  We know beyond the shadow of a doubt that He has called us to Beaumont, Texas to plant a church.  Our future church is depending on us.  We cannot afford to idly sit by hoping that one day God's mighty presence will rain upon us.  We must fall to our knees in prayer; we must press the matter once again.  We must move forward until what we see holds in alignment with the vision God has given us for our church.  When we don't see God, we look to the horizon and wait for evidence that He is working.  And when we don't see that evidence, we fall to our knees until we have the strength to look once again for His hand at work.  Giving up is not an option.  It will rain again on our community and lives will be forever transformed by the hope found only in Christ Jesus.  

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